General conditions of service

Art. 1 - Agreement. With this contract the Landlord agrees to rent the unit specified above to the Lessee and not to enter into any other agreement relating to the rental of said unit. for the same period of time, save the faculty for the Landlord to withdraw from the contract at any time and return the price paid to the Tenant, without any penalty and without the Tenant - in this case - being able to make claims of any kind. The Tenant agrees to rent the unit and to pay, according to the methods established in the conditions set out on the site, the fee, the deposit equal to at least 15,000.00 euros (unless otherwise agreed ) and any other charges referred to in this section of the terms and conditions of the service. All this, at the time of order confirmation from the website. The deposit alone will be able to be paid subsequently, but in any case before delivery of the vessel, and only by credit card/advance bank transfer/cashier's check previously offered to the Lessor.   

Art. 2 - Delivery. The lessor undertakes to use all due diligence to deliver the vessel to the Lessee in the port and on the pre-established day in seaworthy conditions, fully armed, clean, in good condition in its entirety, equipped with adequate equipment, supplies, appliances and accessories as well as of the documents and safety equipment required by law.

Art. 3 - Delay in delivery. 1) If the lessor, for any reason, is not able to make the unit available to the Tenant, in the port and within the established times, he will have the possibility of withdrawing from the contract as indicated in the previous art. 1. The Lessee will not have the faculty to withdraw from this contract. The Landlord, in the event of termination of the contract communicated to the tenant by any means (example: email or telephone), will not be obliged to compensate for any damage but only to refund the price paid.

Art. 4 - On-board inventory. The unit will have to be returned with the same quantity of fuel present at the time of boarding. Any deficiencies and/or breakages found upon return must be reintegrated by the Tenant.

Art. 5 - Ways and limits of use of the unit - Prohibitions. The conductor is required to use the unit with particular diligence, according to the technical characteristics resulting from the navigation license and using the same exclusively for recreational purposes, between safe and good ports and landing places, where the unit can enter, remain and exit in complete safety within the limits of the cruising area. This area will not be able to in no case include nations involved in war conflicts, military operations, revolutions and civil uprisings. In particular, the Lessee will not be able to carry out the transport of passengers and goods, or carry out any type of trade, will not be able to keep on board narcotic substances (not even for personal use), weapons or other objects and documents whose possession and/or detention are not permitted in the countries in which the unit is located. will come to find each other. Furthermore, the Lessee must respect the minimum number of people on board and will not be able to leave the mooring when navigation is prohibited by the competent authority and/or when the weather and sea conditions and/or the state of the unit are such as to compromise the safety of the people on board and/or of the unit itself. The unit he will not be able to be used in regattas or other competitive events, nor is it engaged in dangerous water sports, which may compromise the safety and integrity of of the unit itself. The Driver and/or any person present on board will not be able to keep any animal on board, unless specifically authorized by the Lessor.

Art. 6 - Return.  At the end of the lease the unit will have to be returned by the Lessee to the Lessor in the port and within the pre-established times, in the same conditions of use in which it is was delivered at the beginning of the contract, free from any constraints. In the event of damage to the furnishings, equipment and on-board equipment, the Lessee undertakes to compensate the Lessor for the damage caused before disembarking. In the event that repairs are necessary at the expense of the Lessee, the latter must compensate the Lessor for the time necessary for the execution of the same, which exceeds the duration of the rental contract. the Lessee will be able to return the unit in the pre-established port and disembark before the end of the rental period, however this early return will not give right to the Tenant to claim any refund, not even partial, of the rental period.

Art. 7 - Delay in return. If by reason of the Lessee the delivery of the unit should it not happen according to the methods and the pre-established terms, the Lessor is entitled to due, for the period exceeding the duration of the contract, a fee equal to double the daily rent installment for each day (or fraction exceeding two hours) until the return is made. carried out. If the delay exceeds 24 hours, the Lessee will be responsible for the delay. furthermore required to compensate the Lessor for any major damages suffered as a result of the unavailability of the property. of the unit and/or for the termination of a subsequent contract and/or for the delayed delivery of the unit to another user. If the Driver decides to interrupt or end the cruise in a port other than the one indicated in this contract, the time necessary to bring the unit back in the port of delivery itself, which should exceed the rental period, will be considered in the same way as delay. The transport or transfer costs of the unit are also the responsibility of the tenant. at the port of delivery.

Art. 8 - Termination of the contract. Before the start of the rental, if the Tenant is not able to fulfill this contract he must immediately send written communication to the Lessor. In this case the latter will have the faculty to withhold all payments received.

Art. 9 - Suspension of the fee, temporary impediment. If it is subsequently delivered to the Tenant for reasons not attributable to him, the unit suffers a failure of the engine or any other impediment that compromises its reasonable use, will find the following regulation applies A) if the interruption period exceeds 24 consecutive hours the fee will be suspended from the moment it is the Interruption occurred until the unit will be able to resume service. However, the expiry of the contract remains in force, unless otherwise agreed. B) If the interruption exceeds 48 consecutive hours, the Lessee will not be able to in any case, request the termination of this contract and will have right to reimbursement only of the rent installment not enjoyed in such circumstances. Under no circumstances will the tenant have right to reimbursement of accommodation and travel expenses for oneself; and/or its guests nor of any other expense.

Art. 10 - Bad weather. The Lessor assumes no responsibility for delays in departure or interruption of the cruise due to adversities weather conditions or contrary provisions of the Authority Maritime. In such cases the contract will take effect equally even if the vessel is more days he won't be able to take to the sea.

Art. 11 - Maintenance. The lessor will be required to provide for all repairs due to force majeure or wear and tear due to normal use of the unit. according to the agreed commitment as well as to those derived from hidden defects inherent to the unit and its parts. The conductor, on the other hand, is obliged to carry out routine maintenance (oil change, engine care, batteries in relation to the rental period if it exceeds 72 hours) in order to keep the unit in the same conditions of efficiency and navigability in which it is been taken over. In the case of urgent and urgent repairs, the Lessee may perform directly, subject to reimbursement if the same are the responsibility of the Lessor provided that is authorized by the latter.

Art. 12 - Recurring expenses. The conductor will be required to bear the expenses relating to the use and consumption of the unit for the rental period and, in particular, fuel, water, electricity port costs and fees for anchoring and mooring, customs and local taxes where necessary in relation to the use of the vessel.

Art. 13 - Insurance. The lessor expressly obliges to insure and keep the unit insured at his own expense and expense. for the entire duration of the lease against the risks of liability civil rights towards third parties deriving from the circulation of the unit.

Art. 14 - Request for towing/assistance. The conductor will be directly responsible for obligations deriving from towing/assistance operations requested from other units.

Art. 15 – Prohibition of navigation in waters other than Italian ones. The Driver is it is absolutely forbidden to sail and/or moor and/or reach waters other than Italian ones and also to undertake navigation more than 12 miles from the coast.

Art. 16General rental agreements. The Driver must present, exhibit and issue a copy of his valid navigation license. The driving license must be legible and not abraded and must be shown in the original.
The age Minimum rental requirement is of 25 years of age. Payment of the rental amount and any charges resulting from damage or total and/or partial loss of the rented vessel must be guaranteed through all instruments permitted by law with the exception of bank checks and/or bills of exchange which will not be accepted. Payment and/or the release of the security deposit must be made with the main credit cards, if accepted by the Lessor, subject to specific authorization being issued by the issuing institution.
A security and guarantee deposit of at least 15,000.00 euros (fifteen thousand/00 euros) is required as corresponding to the deductible for damages, indicated below, and which may can also be made, subject to payment authorization, by credit card.
Upon returning the boat, the Tenant is responsible for any damage to the vessel that was not previously indicated and detailed in the rental contract at the time of delivery of the vessel. In case of damage (of any kind) it will be charged a fixed excess as indicated above or in any case reported on the rental contract and equal to at least 15,000.00 euros (fifteen thousand euros/00) unless otherwise agreed. In the event that the damage is reasonably estimated to be less than 50% of the aforementioned fixed deductible, the same fixed deductible will be charged with a 50% reduction. In no case, however, will the fixed deductible be able to never be less than half of the value mentioned above and therefore will not be able to be less, precisely, than 7,500.00 euros (seven thousand five hundred euros/00).  In the event that the damage was caused by the Tenant, he agrees to also pay the daily rental rate for the entire period of technical downtime in which the vessel cannot be rented be used as it is being repaired. In the event of fire or theft or total loss, which must be immediately (and in any case no later than 6 hours) reported to RSE Italia srl, it will be charged a fixed excess as per the rental contract and in any case not less than 15,000.00 euros (fifteen thousand euros/00). Rates do not include fuel. The boat is normally delivered with a full tank of fuel. Any fuel missing at the time of return will be charged to the Customer at a flat rate of €500.00 (€500.00) for each quarter of a missing tank.
Abandonment of the vessel, in addition to any civil and criminal consequences, will entail automatically the customer will be charged an amount equal to the maximum deductible mentioned above.
By signing the rental contract, the Customer acknowledges the fact that the vessel is in good working condition and free of apparent defects and undertakes to return it to RSE Italia srl ​​in the same conditions and on the date indicated on the rental contract itself. RSE Italia srl ​​reserves the right to terminate the contract and regain possession of the vessel at any time and if it is used in violation of the "Conditions of Use&rdquo. reported here.  The duration of the lease is calculated in days, understood as 24-hour periods and the applied rate is calculated on 24-hour periods. The boat must be returned within the established time; in case of delay of more than 60 minutes it will be an additional day of rental will be charged. Failure to return the keys or documents will result in the continuation of the rental until delivery of the same in their entirety; or a written declaration of loss or theft. The loss or theft of any of the aforementioned objects will result in a penalty of €1000.00. The conductor is responsible for any infringements of the law committed during the rental period and expressly authorizes RSE Italia srl ​​to have the amounts of any administrative sanctions incurred charged to the credit card(s) indicated in the rental contract.
For payment, one or two credit cards (NOT prepaid) are required at the time of booking. The total payment takes place at the time of booking and is not included in the price. more refundable. The amount of the security deposit relating to damage and theft coverage will be blocked on the customer's credit card 5 days before the rental start date or upon delivery of the vessel. Furthermore, you will be able to payment of the said amount be provided in all other ways permitted by law with the exception of bank checks and/or bills of exchange. The impossibility to block the security deposit by the date and time of the start of the rental, or in any case failure to pay the same for any reason, will result in 100% of the rental price will be charged without having to worry any more no right to collect and use the vessel. Within the limits established by law RSE Italia srl ​​will not be able to be held responsible for any damage suffered by the Tenant or third parties resulting from the use of the vessel. for damages or inconveniences resulting from late delivery; for any other cause beyond the control of RSE Italia srl. Any accident must be reported immediately and in any case no later than six hours to RSE Italia srl. The Customer also undertakes to cooperate with RSE Italia srl ​​in any criminal and civil investigation or proceeding.

Art. 17 - Applicable law. For anything not expressly established and provided for in this contract, express reference is made to the Italian legislative provisions in force on the matter.

Art. 18 - Jurisdiction. For any dispute that may arise from this contract, the parties declare the court of Arezzo to be exclusively competent.